Bella Italia, special cow by Emilio Robba

ShopCowparade has just released a special cow – Bella Italia by Emilio Robba.
About Bella Italia. Designed by Emilio Robba, Bella Italia is a special CowParade creation.

Throughout his life, Emilio Robba has approached his creations with the eyes of a designer and hands of an architect. Each work of art emulates his unquestionable passion for the Natural world around him and he continues to make special, unique wonders.

He proudly shares with us his newest creation, Bella Italia, a life-size cow designed for CowParade. The whimisical designs depict the essence of Italy, with timeless photography of the proud country’s history and passion for the Arts. Drawing inspiration from his own past, he brings to light the beauty and enduring presence of Italy.

The replica version of Bella Italia was created using a special decal technique. The details captured in the replica are simply extraordinary. The cow sites on a faux stone base where you will find Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers who are the mythological founders of Rome.

Bella Italia